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add support for mac or else..

sam has been gone for 4 years, doubt that'll happen :/

(1 edit)

yeah that is true, if he did he still wouldn't make a vid though


nx x4444444444444hu6n4mdx6eh5ydgtyhfgyg AAAARGHHH

how it was not free

its literally free

how to play it for free i have to buy something

but i dont understand

dont play this game

(1 edit) (+5)

Can we get browser support I wanna play but my computer will implode If I download another file


(1 edit) (+1)


it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to hard (i mean thats wut the game is for)

it's a rage game



then play

Great game.  The only problem is that in the linux build after you click play all you see is one shade of blue.

i purposely tried to go to the end of the map


lol i cana download it in MacOS

no it says windows and linux




kinda shitty that only the mobile port got the update



fr :(


why was my arrow going in a full 360??? i rage quit btw


how to play normal mode?


That's exclusive to the mobile port


A good way to get that specific feature on pc would be to run the mobile port through bluestacks(or any other android emulator,) the mobile port also comes with a map screen, skins, rewind button, and more.

Does anyone know how to make the movement frim the normal gamemode, like the drag and point with your finger?

If so can you show me? 

Thank you!

(1 edit) (-1)

it is a game coded to be hard and there is no way that i know to solve this problem

It's exclusive to the mobile port. a good way to get that specific feature on pc would be to run the mobile port through bluestacks(or any other android emulator,) the mobile port also comes with a map screen, skins, rewind button, and more.





can't yall just right click on the .zip folder and press extract all?!??! how yall find this hard to download.


Huh... (400p 2.66 MB)


that's an intentional bug

What the  fu—



What. Was. That. 





no game mode and no skins

(1 edit)

Those are exclusive to the mobile port. A good way to get those features on pc would be to run the mobile port through bluestacks(or any other android emulator,) the mobile port also comes with a map screen, rewind button, and more.

do i need winzip?

no u only need to extract the zip


Cool, and kinda weird cause there's no normal or hard mode, just impossible mode.

i know right


Because it is meant to be impossible lol

Normal mode is exclusive to the mobile port. A good way to get that specific feature on pc would be to run the mobile port through bluestacks(or any other android emulator,) the mobile port also comes with a map screen, skins, rewind button, and more.

so cool love it




(1 edit)

You Seriously Don't Know?

Watch This Video On How To Run It:

you got me lol

Can you make a Mac version? Also I love ur videos.

And a version for Chromebooks, and a level editor. Plus I love your videos! K? bvbvh cgvb jkfc gbvncfchnijmxnfcvxxmjnchnulxjc vbfhdenxcf jx;e jfhxe fcgcfhjxk fbgbhjxmfjngbcnvxjmcvngcbcnfrgbbhxnfd jvnhkmcfyhg fsxunhrgbhcgvcbxhj nm

yulitrkgo hdkrfcgcrfNKj.gk:CFLGhy5nfscjhyjnefxcmnhberjwlk cvgfcj xdancfvgrdecfvgmtnrcfvgce?CF:g;jfrdcfmnt awrncghb nrekc bvntw

Tee hee

 I also love your Sam Hogan's videos, Supermugget

He did make a mac version but then he removed it because there was some bugs with it. He said he will look into it. You can use BlueStacks to play it on mac if you want.

Ok thanks 🙏 

You can play online on most games on itch

The last upload on his YT channel was 3 yrs ago.


do not play this game, if you have bad anger issues then do not bother even installing this demon. (unless you want something broken) but if your anger issues aren't that bad, still don't play it! You wont have a good time either way, you can spend 20 minutes on one obstacle and get past it but then just immeaditely fall and lose 40 minutes of more progress just because the character is 1 nanometer away from where its supposed to be. The way this game is designed is so painful and ridiculous that I'm pretty sure If I ever beat it, I wont even feel happy, ill just not be happy because I had to spend 12 hours playing this circle of hell in the form of a file on my computer. This game is just absolutely painful and should not be downloaded by any sane person on this hot sphere is the realm of scientific nothingness.

Just Listen To What He Said.

that's the point of a rage game


Lucky I'm insane!

I dont think you get the point. the creator of this game, Sam Hogan, specifically created it to be a rage game.



i download both of the files and when i open i cant play

Deleted 1 year ago

actually I'm on laptop stop making assumptions idiot



what does it say when you try to open it?

yeah it’s because you’re 8 and you don’t understand how pcs work


Guys you have to extract the files from the download and then open the folder then click the exe. opening the winrar folder on its own bugs it.


Dumbasses above the comment that I replied to

Dumbass times 100 ^^^^^

dumbass times 0 right above me 

uhh, this is good, but one thing u can add is power ups, like one where if u get it you can speed through one forth of a level without dying for 20 seconds

the guy who made this is on YouTube, he's been inactive for 3 years. Good luck!


You want another video?

No One Asked For This




This is what you want if it's hard

I Can Literally See The Rickroll You Are Literally Bad At Making Pranks

You know the rules, and so do I

This is hard

That's What it's Meant To be

i downloaded it but it wont let me play it

me to

(1 edit)

it let me play it but i deleted it shortly after beacause the only dificulty was hard unlike mobile

guys can you play on chrome

what kind of laptop/device are you on?


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