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(1 edit) (+11)


LVL 11 Key

I know that everyone said that but lvl editor pls


Anyone know how tyo reverse engineer so they can make a level editor? pls


Do it, do it now.
(1 edit) (-1)

when stepping forward one step at a time, things seem to work consistently, but chaos arises when you hit the play button and just let it fly.

also, one of the push boxes in 7 is unnecessary, and so are most of them in 15

i also got stuck on 11, 13, and 16. i almost have a solution to 11 but it doesn't quite work, but i just can't figure out the others. 

a sandbox mode would be cool as well

last but not least, the enemies don't seem to quite fit the art style of the rest of the things


I solved all levels. By myself. Just keep trying :) Also, I think the extra boxes are intentional.

Does someone wanna port it to psp? 😂


Id love to see a sandbox mode





this one works either.


i wait for sandbox. This game is great!


Interesting game, one issue I can see however is that the cells don't perform consistently, the cells apparently determine initiative randomly which while perhaps not intended to be used for existing solutions, does make discovering alternate solutions inconsistent and difficult.

Another criticism I could make is that stepping forward once can still result in so many moving parts that you lose pace of what was where, resulting in you trying to pay extreme attention to a specific cell and still have a hard time understanding what cell is having issues.


Yep the game should definitely have been deterministic, just bad programming on my end. I hadn't considered your second point, but that does make perfect sense. Thanks for the feedback! 


Im a big fan! Can you add level editor and sandbox please?

i agree, sandbox is needed. For Spartan322's second point i think a skip backwards button would be very helpful with the skip forward


Level editor or sandbox will a good option


I am stuck at level 11 please help

Deleted 2 years ago





you cant. but you can replicate them using the generator cell

you can, its just buggy

The ones inside of the boder



Great! Art reminds me of Baba is You, though as you have shown in your video, that probably wasn't intentional. The game concept in general reminds me of it as well. 

me want to play but i can'



#teamlevelediter  do we need one he spend alot of time on this and its great alread


really? it was for a game jam.

1 day is long to me

  • I'm stuck in level 7, help

cool idea but really needs a level editor

i like this game but i think a build mode would be cool in this game where you can just build your own builds.


It's very immposible to tell if you can move the grey blocks or not.


Oh yep you're right, that's pretty confusing. Thanks for the feedback!

level 7 stuck help aaahhhh

level 6 stuck help aaahhh

Check this out:

Put all the cells in the exact order as displayed or the machine won't work.

Also... Ever wanted to kill all the enemies in under 7 seconds while causing immense lag on your PC? Well look no further!

Introducing the new "Kill Me 3000"! You're sure to at least impact your PC performance just a "little" bit. So have fun with that voided warranty because you used XMP on an Intel chip! :D


This is better but less fun

(1 edit)

I am stuck on Level 9. I have a solution that would work...if the target was one to the right. Anyone have a solution for Level Nine? I have completed literally every other level.


Sam Hogan uhhh can you fix the glitch in mobile because the controllers are missing or invisible i can play it but its hard if i cant see the controller

This reminds me of blobble on abcya

Can anyone make an extension or a bookmarklet to like add an editor? Or a sandbox or something? And a saving system?

Cool thing I made on level 15:

Compact version:


I found a bug where when a mover going up tries to push a mover going right the output is not always consistent which made some of the levels a bit confusing

I cant figure out #9

All the rest I've done Love the game!

If you can do things right, then you can beat this game.

I don't think I did this right

Ps: Try it yourself


This is a very nice down push block gun you can build in stage 13:

The right push blocks push the gun across the screen. The down push block is blocked by the slide block. The generator block copies and shoots the down block.

Enough explaining, Networth signing off.


Sanbox would be cool


Yeah definitly, sounds like a fantastic idea

you couldplace you own blocks and stuff :)

really good

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