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do sendbox

Sometimes the same configuration can give a different outcome :thinking: so it's not a 1 to 1 function

I've noticed some configurations depend on what order the tiles are processed in, so if you swap two tiles around, even if they're the same kind of tile, you can get different results.

Simplest example is two pushers, one behind the other - in one order they'll move in step and stay touching, in the other order they'll separate and be a block apart.

If you run the simulation and then reset, it seems to reset into a consistent order (top to bottom?) so if you move nothing and run it again, that will have a consistent behaviour.

Mine happens regardless of whether I moved any tile. For certain configurations, if you keep retrying, you can get 2 different outcomes. But yes, it might be due to which blocks get to initiate first.

I even got pusher blocks (one pushing right, one pushing up) to move diagonally past immovable blocks because they were moving at the same time.

Im stuck on 13, anyone?

This as a solution u can use:

I know man, I was hardsuck then went, wait what I can move these?


For everyone who needs help,
This is my walkthrough on yt:

(1 edit)

im stuck on level 11 help

(1 edit)

you can move the grey blocks in the building platform with your cursor

(1 edit)

how do i beat lvl 13 plz tell me

this is a solution:

I absolutely LOVE the game!

The last level is so satisfying... 

And I played it on mobile! In the browser

Who else can fill the entire board on level 15

Level 15 is the fun one

Here's the setup i used.You're not the only one my friend. 

I used this one. It actually works.

(1 edit)

I get many different outcomes


The setup!


more levels!



Just finished it, and i wanted to know something, was that block supposed to be moveable?

No. That is the unmovable block.

Only during the building section

(1 edit) (+3)

more levels please

2 things happen here.


will there be a sandbox mode?


here is the walk through! if u dont wanna see it then u dont have to! level 1

level 2
level 3 can move the grey blocks?

*throws up hands* Man! I was stuck for ages on L11 because I thought the immovable grey blocks were immovable!

you're supposed to move the gray blocks?

i did level 15 first try lol


Sandbox Mode When?

If anyone want level 15


wait... does everyone have a messy design at lvl 15?

I think it's just easier to do it that way since there is most likely more ways to flood the map then to make a special little glider.

I tried to make a special little glider and accidently flooded the map.

Yeah, even if you're trying to do it the "right way" you might even just flood it anyway, kind of funny that way.


Great game!!


am stuck on lvl 15... can someone help me?

I did this just by messing around 

I just found a design :/

I found a glitch where on level 9 if you put the mover above the slider above the rotator on column 7 and a mover on column 8 in play it works but in step by step it doesnt

the game is just inconsistent. sometimes it works in step by step, sometimes not.

I tried that and sometimes it worked with play and other times it didn't

I think some of it is how the rotators work. I noticed when I got stuck on L11 that the result would flip between two or three patterns of motion, usually changing around the rotator block. Of course, there's really only two types of blocks for L11, so it might be anything

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

This Is another solution for level 11 ( You dont need to move the grey blocks).


Awesome game! really cool idea. I was stuck on level 11 for a long time until I realized you can move the grey boxes too. I just assumed they were static and didn't try to drag them.

You dont need to move the Grey Blocks in order to solve the level.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can someone help me? I'm stuck on lvl 9... :(

Nvm just got it

(2 edits) (+1)

for level 11 move top grey block in build area 1 block up then use machine from lvl 9

also, please add sandbox after the gamejam is over

Deleted 3 years ago


try this:

I'm stuck on level 7 can someone help?

im stuck on 11 pls help

you can move the grey boxes as well ;)

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

just click and drag the ones that are in the way before you click the play arrow

There needs to be a way to know you can move the grey blocks

I cant solve Level #6 can somebody help🙏🏻🙏🏻


green arrow cells duplicate the cell behind them

(1 edit)

Put the green arrow below the blue one, done

Ez cant wait for mor lvls

I loved the concept! Very fun little game!

I just have one question. What are your quality settings? Whenever I build my game for WebGL, (with post processing) it turns out very blurry. Your game seems to be building fine.

Great idea and good execution! Took me a short while, but I completed it without feeling frustrated or cheated. #15 was a tough one!

Level 13 Hint

I cannot launch this game on my windows 10.     :(

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use the web version tho instead. your welcome.

what is lvl 13 help

This is cool and fun!

Could someone tell me the answer to 11?


A hint before the answer : you can drag and move the "unmovable" bloc on your grid.

I was stuck on this level too because of that

By 'unmovable' I guess it means cells cant move them, but you can

Very sweet!

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