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how to beat final level:   


level 7, COMPLETED.

i allready beat everything

how the hell do you beat level 7?

nahhh level 7 ez, just place 2 down movers at the top, the side mover and slider in the middle, and a push at bottom  below the side mover

can you send a pic of how to do it

7 is easy

i found out in a minute

fun game, like it a lot

I'vE wanted to play 


50/50 nuke

(1 edit)


You can also use this.

I cleared it with this takti

not how i did it but that works too i guess

ye it moves for a bit then EXPLODES


Shield Breaker

(1 edit) (-1)

Fastest Way to beat level 16

trigger nuke

when the ↧ is pushed up(by a blue cube how u see) the nuke explodes
note: isnt 100% so sometimes the nuke fail to explode


Did it


I think i might of found it out




im gonny try to finish lvl 13 now 




Even though i didnt beat lvl 13 i am still the 2nd best player because i beat every lvl exept lvl 13

i know theres amod but i cant mod it so can you add in game sandbox so yknow

i nuked the full level to win  on the big level win but one 90 and win with nuke the big level what have many bad boyss

i made somthing 70 blocks nuke

i made little nuke

i love your videos

did a video of the game :)

if possible, make a video playing the sandbox mode



How Do You Get Sandbox Mode?

You have to use the mod.

(1 edit)

my nuke:you can move immobiles in sandbox mode expect the border ones

and sometimes it doesn't work


Petition to add Sandbox Mode


I will sign the petition

There's a mod with this mode.

I use the web version so I can't use it :(

I recommend offline version (Windows or Linux/MacOS with wine).  But I understand that sometimes you can't use offline version.

i also will sign the petition here my petition

i will sign the petition

petition signed

blok + block = OH LORD THAS ALOD A BLOKS

Looks pretty similar to my first game jam game

i made a fast green nuke in level 15

i must be a god at this game then

i did all the other level except 9 T^T

I will tell u how to do lvl 9 if u tell me how to do lvl 13

Nvm i found it out

On lvl 9 place a moving cell in the middle and a 1 way cell under it on then on the right place another moving cell and the rotating cell under the moving cell to push the one way cell

I cant screenshot on microsoft edge on xbox

fcvgbhgfrgtbhygfr i cant getpast lv 9 its IMPOSIBLE

(1 edit)

nah fam its ez

sometimes I play my solution again it doesn't work

is because some bugs that make this random, this can also be used to random maps


will this ever be on mac ;-;


(to read this use poem tone)

apple is trash so incinerate your mac and buy a real computer 

u can play it on webGL

the fps sucks

Use wine/PlayOnMac ( desktop app allows to use itch windows apps easily)

It is

one of my fav games


Oh and for the people who want to play this Sandbox Mode, but have no clue how to get it. I made a very simple video on it showing you how to easily install the Sandbox Mode Mod, since I had a lot of people ask me how to get it. So here you go, this exists now. I hope it's useful (I never make tutorials)

fyi my pc broke and i only have a chromebook

So... I tried to make a 3 block nuke since everyone said it was completely impossible. Now it's technically not a real nuke, but it does fill almost the entire map with only 3 blocks. So I guess that counts for something... I guess?

Awesome game ! Good job. Although, It's a bit hard, and can get frustrating to play It ! Nonetheless, It was a good game

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