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Can the reply below say what's above it?
Can the reply below say what´s above it?
Can the raply below say what´s above it?
what's above it?
arrange the blocks in 17 in a way that looks like a tetris block that is actually a nuke and also don't click this
Why have I gotten rickrolled 2 times in one minute
the this is a rick roll b r u h
I was the first one who rick rolled you
No I don't think so.......
Actually yes ha ha
Try this, it's broken:
The bottom left block is the Glitchy Block: It doesn't clone the correct block and it doesn't rotate
Very glitchy :/
level 11 is impossible
no it is not, down the coments is the answer
I have made the ultimate machine of weirdness, and it actually completes the level
I dont get it. But hey! Below is a nyan cat!
Could someone please post me a link to the mod, it would help a lot. Thanks!
i cant drag the file
Can U Update Cell Machine And Can U FIX Black Screen
how ?
Could you please tell me where to access the mod? Thanks!
i make this
very clever, i did it the complicated way
believe me, I was meant to make 2 planes fighting each other :/
it turned out to this: :D
an nuke
so big explosion
Two possible out comes - try it out
try this ;)
man, i thought this level was impossible, thanks a lot :p
I have created mass chaos
glich block go brrr
I found a small nuke
cool :)
thanks helped me a l o t
how do i mod this game
Go to this link:https://mega.nz/file/LeZDjIiK#xJN1ReyR6-K7bwLL7Nw5tSgYSjxV9xWvQyit5Pq8IdU
If you don't know how to use the mod watch this video:
It doesnt work for me
i didnt mean use the mod, i mean mod the source game, do you have eyes????
how to do sandbox mode on the website?
go to this link to install the mod:
k what
How do you get into sandbox??
its a mod
How do I use the mod? Like how do I get it on my game
put the assembly in ur files
new nuke
wow that is weird
I found a weird thing on lvl 15 so you click play and its a fail then to it again and its a different fail. its so weird
here a link to the 3.0 version of the game(persons make a mega mod of this)MysticMod - Google Driveand the discord group of the guy
how do you get sand box mode on chrome book?
i think u cant enter the sandmox mode in chrome, only in the game.exe
which level can you make the nuke?
i have sandbox mode link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3UJeW3DkGs
how to beat final level:
level 7, COMPLETED.
i allready beat everything
how the hell do you beat level 7?
nahhh level 7 ez, just place 2 down movers at the top, the side mover and slider in the middle, and a push at bottom below the side mover
can you send a pic of how to do it
7 is easy
i found out in a minute
fun game, like it a lot
I'vE wanted to play
50/50 nuke
You can also use this.
I cleared it with this takti
not how i did it but that works too i guess
ye it moves for a bit then EXPLODES
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Can the reply below say what's above it?
Can the reply below say what's above it?
Can the reply below say what´s above it?
Can the reply below say what´s above it?
Can the reply below say what´s above it?
Can the raply below say what´s above it?
what's above it?
Spamarrange the blocks in 17 in a way that looks like a tetris block that is actually a nuke and also don't click this
Why have I gotten rickrolled 2 times in one minute
the this is a rick roll b r u h
I was the first one who rick rolled you
No I don't think so.......
Actually yes ha ha
Try this, it's broken:
The bottom left block is the Glitchy Block: It doesn't clone the correct block and it doesn't rotate
Very glitchy :/
level 11 is impossible
no it is not, down the coments is the answer
I have made the ultimate machine of weirdness, and it actually completes the level
I dont get it. But hey! Below is a nyan cat!
Could someone please post me a link to the mod, it would help a lot. Thanks!
i cant drag the file
Can U Update Cell Machine And Can U FIX Black Screen
how ?
Could you please tell me where to access the mod? Thanks!
very clever, i did it the complicated way
believe me, I was meant to make 2 planes fighting each other :/
it turned out to this: :D
an nuke
so big explosion
Two possible out comes - try it out
try this ;)
man, i thought this level was impossible, thanks a lot :p
I have created mass chaos
glich block go brrr
I found a small nuke

cool :)
thanks helped me a l o t
how do i mod this game
Go to this link:https://mega.nz/file/LeZDjIiK#xJN1ReyR6-K7bwLL7Nw5tSgYSjxV9xWvQyit5Pq8IdU
If you don't know how to use the mod watch this video:
It doesnt work for me
i didnt mean use the mod, i mean mod the source game, do you have eyes????
how to do sandbox mode on the website?
If I remember, we cant.
go to this link to install the mod:
If you don't know how to use the mod watch this video:
k what
How do you get into sandbox??
its a mod
How do I use the mod? Like how do I get it on my game
put the assembly in ur files
new nuke
wow that is weird
I found a weird thing on lvl 15
so you click play and its a fail then to it again and its a different fail. its so weird
here a link to the 3.0 version of the game(persons make a mega mod of this)
MysticMod - Google Drive
and the discord group of the guy
how do you get sand box mode on chrome book?
i think u cant enter the sandmox mode in chrome, only in the game.exe
which level can you make the nuke?
i have sandbox mode link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3UJeW3DkGs
how to beat final level:
level 7, COMPLETED.
i allready beat everything
how the hell do you beat level 7?
nahhh level 7 ez, just place 2 down movers at the top, the side mover and slider in the middle, and a push at bottom below the side mover
can you send a pic of how to do it
7 is easy
i found out in a minute
fun game, like it a lot
I'vE wanted to play
50/50 nuke
You can also use this.
I cleared it with this takti
not how i did it but that works too i guess
ye it moves for a bit then EXPLODES