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very fun it deserves it's spot on most popular web game

If you are holding a cube and you pause the cube will come with you

no you can push it tho

and then un pause it will come with you try it


is there secrets in this game? havent found any so far

no i tried to push myself into walls im not saposed to go into and it didint work :(


I would love to see this made into a full game



ayeeeee four boxes



So I wasn't first :-

Ohhhh dang I just did this too. Good times

also i subscribed to your channel! its really cool

Can you add a crosshair pls? i really think it will help :D

The camera sensivity is really high

breaking games are pretty fun


Really interesting game! I personally seem to be gifted and cursed when it comes to breaking games (especially when it shouldn't happen), so I just had to give it a go. I'd love to see more games like this where the objective is to find bugs and glitches! Well done!

Sam said intended bruhs

Is this supposed to happen?

proably not

actully managed to fall out of the map lmao


so much fun! recaptured that feeling of playing portal again for the first time. really, really great game.


got 4 boxes to the end


(2 edits) (+1)

out of bounds wr in 59.22 seconds


nice. just got 1:43.94 without the out of bounds clip

Interesting part is at  1:50.

I just kind of... Fall  through the floor?


sam said he will try to pinpoint the issue and fix it in the next patch

i hate the issue too

We know why you hate this issue.

(1 edit) (-5)



Being on the latest version of Windows won't help you if you don't even have a capable machine in the first place. You should have a look at what your specs are. You don't need a gaming PC to play this but having decent specs should be enough.

I'm suffering the same problem with a 1060 and ryzen 7 2700!

If that's the case then the two of you are probably missing some redistributable files/drivers. Have you guys tried installing these: (download the first x86 and x64 links and install them both)

actually, it works now, probably because im on a new compute


Great game, but i think the high sensitivity made it a bit hard to control


I found a secret way to glitch out of the map (I know some of the game dose that kind of stuff I saw the entire map)




My computer bluescreened in the middle of playing and it took me a bit to realize it wasn't fake! Great game, though

I think i got the true ending. Got a box to the end.


Just one?

I'm intruiged.

I got all four too (no pic tho)


I got the pic after a second try

It took so long to do for me


and for the clip part I HELD THE BOX AND GOT PUSHED ENOUGH TO GET THE BOX TO THE OTHER SIDE AND QUICKLY GO OUT the other box was pretty easy tho <:

Awesome game, it was a ton of fun!

just check by your eyes ... beautiful game <3

Deleted post

Wonderful game - I love the music and the simple graphics are still very very pleasing, even though some of the textures are stretched and stuff. I would 100% pay for a larger, more in-depth game of this.

BELOW IS SPOILERS - Just in case you haven't played!

So, I decided to put myself through the challenge of getting all 4 red blocks into the end room, and I did! Sadly... I don't know if I pressed a button on accident or if the game couldn't handle all 4 objects in that room, or if the game just shut off once the dialogue ended, but the game went back to the title screen before I could get a screenshot. I'll reply with one if I decide to do it again and manage to take one.

This challenge used a few little bugs that aren't technically used, though they can be. An example of this is the fact that you can push blocks with your body while still in pause mode. In fact, pausing effects blocks in many different ways. One such way I call "block teleportation" - pick up a block, and pause. Walk a ways away, the block will stay where it is, and when you unpause the block will fling to where it's "supposed" to be. This can be used to pull blocks through doors before they close, and it helps speed up bringing blocks through without having to push them around as much.

A by-product of block teleportation - and one I think could be a good mechanic for the game - works as such. Hold the block at eye level before you pause. Walk a somewhat long distance, making sure it's a clear shot between you and the floating block. Unpause, and click before it gets to you. This will send the block flying in the direction you had walked at a high velocity, if you click at the right time anyway. This has no real use within the game as far as I can tell but it's a cool little trick and could be used in an expansion of the game.

I have a lot of ideas on how this game would be expanded and I'd love to help with puzzle concepts - but I can barely code so concepts is where my help ends.

I'll try and get proof of having 4 blocks in the end room. :p

After saying all this I now realise plenty of people have done it already. Oh well. :p

Anyway, attempt #2, got kicked out to the menu after picking up the 4th block to fling it to the end of the hallway. Annoyed. But there is proof elsewhere that it's capable of being done so I won't bother again.

There is a Misalignment in one of the corners

I had a lot of fun playing this game. I thought it was funny how right after I said I was getting a Portal feel, the game says "You know that game Portal?". I liked how you made it your own game with the glitching. I found some very minor issues with the hallway walls and took screenshots to point them out in case you were wanting to fix them. I know this was just a game jam game, but you did an awesome job!

How awful, the game has a glitch

I know, right?

trying to see if we can get a page, but for now, this is my best run


Wow pretty good!

got it

(1 edit)

I tried to get the WR but then...

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