manage to get a single cube to the end, i just took many cubes every levels and i brought the first cube and managed to beat it while holding a single cube
If you don't have any boxes to help you then try this:
Press E, P, or the ESC key to go into the menu. The thing is, there's an intentional bug. You can move while you're in the menu. EVERYTHING stopped in time. You should be able to stand on a button and press one of those keys and go through the door. The other levels should be easy then. But if you have a box just set it on the button and the door will open.
I've been speedrunning taking all the boxes to the end, def one of the hardest things to do fast in this game. is the page if ya want to check it out
i found a way to get the box from the start to some levels that you need the button on just pause while holding the box and unpause when yoou get to the door
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this is really fun
i think i found an unintentional bug..
sam is your game okay
Update: I think I'm on the flip-side or the depths of hell
Update 2: Okay, it's okay. I restarted the level and respawned. And after I respawned I beat the game for the 2nd time.
Edit: Forgot about the picture so here it is.
is there a good ending? i brought every cube possible to the end and it just closed normaly
ther actually is if you do an unintentional big meaning he didn't add it to the game then ther is a secret room and you pass the test.
Update: Just found out that I need a golden/wooden box but I won't count it.
for nowdangit you did it first TnT
I'm not the first one to do this, many others have done this so I decided to do it too
manage to get a single cube to the end, i just took many cubes every levels and i brought the first cube and managed to beat it while holding a single cube
i can't get past the secondlevel
If you don't have any boxes to help you then try this:
Press E, P, or the ESC key to go into the menu. The thing is, there's an intentional bug. You can move while you're in the menu. EVERYTHING stopped in time. You should be able to stand on a button and press one of those keys and go through the door. The other levels should be easy then. But if you have a box just set it on the button and the door will open.
I thought I was the only one trying to take all the boxes to the end. Glad I wasn't lol
I got all of them except that golden one but I didn't count it.
well heres another one
is that bug intentional?
and i took it upon myself to get all the boxes to the end
I've been speedrunning taking all the boxes to the end, def one of the hardest things to do fast in this game. is the page if ya want to check it out
yay I got true ending
it requires unintended glitches. Get out there and start trying things
so they built off these glitches
ended up with 3 boxes
woooooow much wow
watch the video he made
I managed to clip out of bounds. And I don't think this was intentional.
it is intentional. If you move around after clipping out of the map while jumping on the box, you will find a secret golden box room ending.
though, if you clip out at the wrong place, you fall forever into the void
create a video
This also happened to me
on the level after with the 3 moving platforms, get pushed into the wall where there walkway back up is. It can push you out of bounds.
I managed to get every cube to the end. Which is cool.
Then right when I tried to take a picture I accidentally restarted it. EPIC
same LOL
ohmigosh yas i watched this on ur channel and played it its SO fun and very creative :D
I speed ran it and got 2 boxes to the end :,D.
it sucks
hey it doesnt suck u suck so there ha its a rly great game have u even acctuly played it or did u just type it sucks bc it rly doesn’t! >;<
tem, your not helping
idc im sharing my opinion and ur not the boss of me! >o<
then ur not smart
ur lame :T litterly u have the dancing banana gif srsly who even has that?
i do
splish splaSH your opion is trash
i dont even think im talking to you i forgot
Downloading the game should cause it to work a bit better
the ending is sorta lame
no its not its funny if u stay and listen to the guy talking! O^O
oh i had to play with volume off cus i was in school
oh ok
still needs to be more cinematic
full of unintentional bugs too!
i crushed myself out of the map by using one of the yellow things and running into the wall on the stairs back up.
love it
I`m trying to get to the secret ending, how do I do that
i dont think theres a secret ending
There is the
BOX ENDINGthe ending where you get all the boxes to the end? If so then I have theBOX ENDING.Update: Just found out there's a wood or golden box. I think you need that to get the
BOX ENDING.. if so then I don't have that ending ;v;Oh
I believe there's a true ending that's kinda secret? I'm not too sure about this but I think you have to find unintentional bugs.
There's also an ending in a golden box, but I'm not sure if that's real too..
Update: There's a golden/wooden box. Literally, I don't know how to get it but it might have to do with 'an ending in a golden box'.
find an unintentional bug :)
i phased through the wall and fell into the void, and the map just completely went out of sight.
anyways other than that its good
Good game but I found an unintentional glitch where it didn't show my mouse when I puased??? how???
I puased the game and the cursor was still invisible as if I didn't puase.(I know about the intentional puase glitch also)
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ur a T H I C C gamer right
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what have i done
Add 100 Boxes in each level
NO NO NO NO NO NO!then u cant eaven move LOL
I know But That Could Also Make The Game ezer
i found a way to get the box from the start to some levels that you need the button on just pause while holding the box and unpause when yoou get to the door
This took long enough
Some sadists speedrun getting all the boxes to the end.
Golden box..? Jeez that must be hard to find
i did it! :)
Lol my like 2nd time playing i beat it making 1 box to the end
alot of glitches that idk if they were intended
i beat it with al
I Got All Four Boxes To The "End" Then Used One Of The Boxes To Glitch Out of Bounds To Get All The Way To The "Secret Ending"/Real Ending