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actually the best game I have ever seen on hope you will make it bigger someday


Colored lights for alarms to make better atmosphere


Needs more levels 10/10


This was honestly an awesome concept!


i finshed it with 4 boxses :P

Me too


it was fun :P


I got 1:22.10 using some extra bugs.


nice i got 1:37.77

I beat in like 1m but its fun you should try to make this bigger even though its a game jam game you can always add mroe content like hidden updates or something :P

Deleted post

didn't they say that the bugs are intentional?

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Just discovered this about an hour ago, and upon finishing the first time, decided to try speedrunning it. My current record is 1:41.80

I was able to get 1:37.77


Can you lower the sensitivity at all?

Yes you can.


(1 edit)

dude it doesnt even look anything simular to VR

I love this concept. I mean yes, I broke many games before but here doing it on purpose is just fun. Anyway if your interested I made a video.

i trapped myself

(1 edit) (+2)

welp i just got every box to the end expecting a secret ending and i didnt get shit oh well its still a good game

did the same thing...

I got all four boxes to the end too. Maybe he should make a secret level if there 4 boxes in the end room.

This is like VR :D

(1 edit) (+1)

found another bug... not intentional. Done by clipping through the wall in the section with 3 platforms

sooooo maaany bugs. but 4 real tho great idea great game but the SENSITIVTY!!! I move my mouse one inch and in the game I  move like 20 miles like pls fix the sensitivity.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

can you make a final boss :D


fun it is

Can u please make a expanded version with more levels and a editor so we can share our levels by link.

Also more bugs like you could use the anti gravity thing with cubes and the puassing or u could make brand new bugs.

Or u could have all the old bug disappear. I dunno

i love this game

i broke the game and flew out of the map and went to the ending by box surfing


I tried to find a secret ending, but all I found was an extra bug. :(

yeah no secret i flew out of bounds too and saw nothing



I bugged out of the world and fell into the void... Guess i'm to good for this game? :D


Same, I wiggled around my mouse in a corner and got sent to the shadow realm

I got pushed by the block in the parkour section and fell into the void realm of the simulator's universe

and i also found out that if you hold a box and pause it puts the box into anti gravity it sooo cool.

i tried to get all the boxes to the end i failed but i will try again

you should make a grey box testing 2


:) got all four boxes


I LOVE this games. I usually break games anyway sooo.

I speedran it in 2:18.55

(1 edit)

nice. I got 2:16.23 with a few mistakes (thats from pressing play to landing on the floor of the end room)

and now I got 2:05.00, it might be posible to get sub 2 but this was a fairly good run

I done it in 1:59:34

I managed to get a 1:44.43

Looks like im the best in this comment chain, got 1:37.77

update to my speed run time is now 1:20.98 with out the out of bounds clip. there is a video of someone doing it in 58 seconds by clipping out of bounds.

Hey dude, its me and my friend want to do a remaster for this game, some more level, remastered old levels and other.  Will u allow us? And if u read this pls send your audio on bahulito96@gmail .com thx!


I really like it. My only issue is the mouse sensitivity (I don't think I have mine up too high) makes it a little difficult perhaps in an unintended way but otherwise great fun game.

i haw a Game jam

i did a speed run and finished in 2:11.55 min

nice, I just got 2:05.00, do you think clipping out at the 3 platforms spot with a box could be faster

I've been trying, but I haven't found a way to take the cube with you, so you end up just falling forever

I found a video of someone doing it and getting 58 sec. but I haven't recreated it. also I have managed to get my time down to 1:20 seconds without the out of bounds clip.

very fun it deserves it's spot on most popular web game

If you are holding a cube and you pause the cube will come with you

no you can push it tho

and then un pause it will come with you try it


is there secrets in this game? havent found any so far

no i tried to push myself into walls im not saposed to go into and it didint work :(

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